Cookie Policy
Cookies are used for statistical and functional purposes and to improve our services through the analysis visitor activity to our website, including the use of our online transactional services. When browsing this website, session cookies and persistent cookies are used, which may be our or third-party cookies.
Cookies are small data files that are generated on the User's computer and that allow the User themselves to store the information generated by their activity on the network.
Cookies allow a website, among other issues, to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of the User or their equipment and, depending on the information they contain and the way in which they use their equipment, they can be used to recognise the User.
This website may use the following cookies:
Session cookies:
Session cookies are cookies designed to collect and store data while the User accesses a web page. They are usually used to store information that is only of interest to keep for the provision of the service requested by the User on a single occasion. Persistent cookies are a type of cookie in which the data is still stored in the terminal and can be accessed and processed for a period defined by the person responsible for the cookie.This can range from a few minutes to several years.
Personal cookies:
Personal cookies are cookies created or managed by the person in charge of the website
Technical cookies:
Technical cookies allow Becomebecome to display the web page with a specific configuration.
Analysis cookies:
Analysis cookies allow the elaboration of statistical information about the Users’ visit. The results provide information about the navigation and behaviour of Users on the website, such as the number of visitors, the number of visits, the number of page views and other information that is necessary for the effective measurement of the interests of the User.
Browsing cookies:
The main objective of browsing cookies is to avoid offering you recommendations that are not related to your interests and to offer you targeted and personalised commercial proposals. These browsing cookies base their usefulness on the temporary monitoring of Internet browsing. The User has the possibility of deleting this type of cookies before starting to browse other pages of the website.
Statistical cookies:
Statistical cookies provide the date and time of the last time the User visited our website and accessed any website content. To compile statistics on the use of our website, we use statistical tools with a scope limited to the functions described in the previous paragraphs. In this way, we can concentrate our efforts on improving the most visited areas and making it easier for the User to find what they are looking for.
The website may use the information from your visit to carry out evaluations and statistical calculations of anonymous data, as well as to guarantee the continuity of the service or to make improvements to the web portal itself. This information will not be used for any other purpose.
Third party cookies:
There are a number of providers that set cookies in order to provide certain services. The following shows the cookies that are set on the website by third parties, the purposes for which they are used and links to web pages where you can find more information about cookies:
Our Cookies:
Strictly necessary Cookies
Information - Session, registration and shopping cart data
Purpose - Registration and session management, as well as online order data
Third Party Cookies:
Analytical cookies
Information - Google Analytics
Purpose - Statistical reports on website traffic, its total audience and the audience in a given advertising campaign.
Social cookies
Information - Meta Connect
Purpose - Allow user interaction between the web and the social network.
How to disable cookies:
To comply with current legislation, we have to ask for your permission to manage cookies. If you decide not to authorise the process indicating your non-compliance, we will only use the cookies that are essential for browsing our website. In this case, we will not store any cookies. If you continue to browse our website without denying authorisation, it implies that you accept its use.
Keep in mind that if you reject or delete browsing cookies, we will not be able to keep your preferences. Some features of the pages will not be fully operational, we will not be able to offer you personalised services and every time you browse our website we will have to request your authorisation for the use of cookies again.
You should know that it is possible to delete cookies or prevent this information from being recorded on your computer at any time by modifying the configuration parameters of your browser:
Internet Explorer cookie settings
Firefox cookie settings
Google Chrome cookie settings
Safari cookie settings
Asociación Become Become is not the owner or sponsor of the links indicated above, so it does not assume any responsibility for their content.
The user can revoke their consent to the use of cookies in their browser either through the links above, or through the following third-party links:
Google Analytics:
Google (Advertising):
Updates and changes in the Cookies Policy:
Become Become Association may modify this Cookies Policy based on new legislative or regulatory requirements, or in order to adapt said policy to the instructions issued by the Spanish Data Protection Agency.
When significant changes occur in this Cookies Policy, the User will be notified. If you want more information about how we use cookies, you can send us an e-mail to